Class page for IDM NYU DM-UY 4913 J Fall 2024
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Bluetooth is great for local wireless communication. It has an idealized range of 10 meters, but real world conditions can reduce that signifigantly (size and placement of antenna, physical or other wireless interference, etc.).
Bluetooth 4.0, aka Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), made some signfifgant changes to how it works with the benefit of it needing less electrical consumption.
To use the BLE capabilities of your mcirocontrollwer (that’s the Nano BLE 33), you’ll want to install the Arduino BLE library. This tutorial can walk you through installing libraries if you’re unclear how to do so.
BLE devises are either central or peripherals. Peripheral devices offer services that central devices can receive. My watch is a perihiperal that connects to my phone, which acts as a central device.
Peripherals have services which have characteristics. Characteristics have values, which central devices can read, write, or subscribe to. My watch, for example, may have a “health” service, which has “pulse”, “sleep”, and “steps” characteristics.
BLE services, characteristics, and devices have Universally Unique Identifiers or UUIDs. These are 128-bit numbers that uniquely describe each of these components. While some UUIDs are reserved for particular functions, you will generlaly want to roll your own. You can generate UUIDs with the Online UUID Generator.
A central device initiates a connection after it discovers a peripherial which is advertising its services.
On the peripheral side, you will want to
On the central side, you’ll
You can use an application like lightBlue for iOS or Android, Blue See for macOS or BLE Analyzer for Windows. These will allow you to scan for any BLE peripherals and connect to any advertised services and are quite useful for debugging.
There is a p5js ble library that allows Chrome to connnect to BLE devices. You can include the library in an index.html file like so :
This p5 example will allow you to connect to a browser and change the brightness of the LED with a slider. If you changed the UUID of your device, it won’t work until you change the source and update the service to your UUID in the p5 sketch.
This Arduino sketch has a button connected to pin 2. When the button state changes, it sends a 1 or a 0 to a conected Central device. In this case, we change a circle to a square in a p5 sketch. The code for the p5 sketch can be found here.
The BLE library allows microcontrollers to act as central devices too!
In the Arduino IDM, go to File->Examples->ArduinoBLE->Central->LedControl. Upload this to a board with a button attached to pin 2. After initializing the BLE library in setup(), BLE.scanForUuid() looks for a specific UUID advertised by a peripheral.
This example is thorough in its checking for characteristics that match exactly the peripheral we want to speak to. This makes it quite reliable.
In the loop() of the program, it will connect to a peripheral, verify the local name (something that IDs it as yours), and stop scanning when it finds the appropriate peripheral. The controlled() function checks to make sure it’s connected and looks for any attributes. This allows us to retreive the characteristics - in this case, it searches for the specific one to controll the LED. It checks to make sure the peripheral’s characteristic is writable, then reads the value of the button, sening a byte of 1 or 0 if the switch has changed since the last time it was read.
The peripheral code (found in File->Examples->ArduinoBLE->Peripheral->LED) uses the exat same peripheral code we used previously in our first exampel, but only receiving an on/off instead of a value of 0-255.