Image Processing in p5.js

Image Blur Logic

In this tutorial we will explain the logic behind the box blur method, which is just a simple way of blurring an image.

Audrey Audrey with Blur Effect

  1. Main Idea
  2. Convolution Kernel
  3. Implementation
  4. More Methods

Main Idea

The basic idea of bluring an image is that for each pixel, we average it with its neighbors and the simplest way to achieve this idea is through a method called box blur.


  1. Retrieve the values of the center pixel (current pixel) and its 8 neighbors
  2. Add them together
  3. Divide by the amount of pixels we just added (here we have 9)
  4. Assign the resulting value to the center pixel (the current pixel)

Convolution Kernel

In a box blur each neighbor pixel weighs the same in the resulting pixel (remember that in Image Processing, we are manipulating one pixel at a time) which means that we are multiplying each pixel by 1 before adding the together. In other words, they all weigh the same. We can set the weight of each pixel inside a matrix. We call this matrix a convolution kernel.

Using kernels to store ratios allows you easily alter the weight distribuition later on. Different weight distribuitions will result in different blurs.


Kernel In image processing, a kernel is a small matrix that includes the ratios that you multiply each pixel in the neighborhood by.
Convolution Convolution is the process of addidng each element of the image to its local neighbors, weighted by the kernel


Step by Step based on Matrix:

  1. The first step consists of retrieving the values within the convolution kernel
  2. Add all numbers in the kernel
  3. Divide by the amount of pixels added, which means we are dividing by the area (width * height) of the kernel
  4. Perform the steps above three times, one for each of the RGB values
  5. Assign the results to the RGB values of the center pixel

Audrey Audrey with Blur Effect

	 * We want you to have control of the blur, so we used the noLoop() method and 
	 * the mousePressed function so that you could run the sketch step by step.
	 * Everytime you click your mouse the image will blur more and more.

	var img;

	function preload() {
		img = loadImage(imglist.audrey); // insert your own image here!

	function setup() {
		createCanvas(img.width, img.height);

	function draw() {
		background(0, 0, 0);

		var k1 = [[1, 1, 1],
		          [1, 1, 1],
		          [1, 1, 1]];

		var w = img.width;
		var h = img.height;
		for (var x = 0; x < w; x++) {
	    	for (var y = 0; y < h; y++) {
				var ul = ((x-1+w)%w + w*((y-1+h)%h))*4; // location of the UPPER LEFT
				var uc = ((x-0+w)%w + w*((y-1+h)%h))*4; // location of the UPPER CENTER
				var ur = ((x+1+w)%w + w*((y-1+h)%h))*4; // location of the UPPER RIGHT
				var ml = ((x-1+w)%w + w*((y+0+h)%h))*4; // location of the LEFT
				var mc = ((x-0+w)%w + w*((y+0+h)%h))*4; // location of the CENTER PIXEL
				var mr = ((x+1+w)%w + w*((y+0+h)%h))*4; // location of the RIGHT
				var ll = ((x-1+w)%w + w*((y+1+h)%h))*4; // location of the LOWER LEFT
				var lc = ((x-0+w)%w + w*((y+1+h)%h))*4; // location of the LOWER CENTER
				var lr = ((x+1+w)%w + w*((y+1+h)%h))*4; // location of the LOWER RIGHT
				p0 = img.pixels[ul]*k1[0][0]; // upper left
				p1 = img.pixels[uc]*k1[0][1]; // upper mid
				p2 = img.pixels[ur]*k1[0][2]; // upper right
				p3 = img.pixels[ml]*k1[1][0]; // left
				p4 = img.pixels[mc]*k1[1][1]; // center pixel
				p5 = img.pixels[mr]*k1[1][2]; // right
				p6 = img.pixels[ll]*k1[2][0]; // lower left
				p7 = img.pixels[lc]*k1[2][1]; // lower mid
				p8 = img.pixels[lr]*k1[2][2]; // lower right
				var red = (p0+p1+p2+p3+p4+p5+p6+p7+p8)/9;
				p0 = img.pixels[ul+1]*k1[0][0]; // upper left
				p1 = img.pixels[uc+1]*k1[0][1]; // upper mid
				p2 = img.pixels[ur+1]*k1[0][2]; // upper right
				p3 = img.pixels[ml+1]*k1[1][0]; // left
				p4 = img.pixels[mc+1]*k1[1][1]; // center pixel
				p5 = img.pixels[mr+1]*k1[1][2]; // right
				p6 = img.pixels[ll+1]*k1[2][0]; // lower left
				p7 = img.pixels[lc+1]*k1[2][1]; // lower mid
				p8 = img.pixels[lr+1]*k1[2][2]; // lower right
				var green = (p0+p1+p2+p3+p4+p5+p6+p7+p8)/9;
				p0 = img.pixels[ul+2]*k1[0][0]; // upper left
				p1 = img.pixels[uc+2]*k1[0][1]; // upper mid
				p2 = img.pixels[ur+2]*k1[0][2]; // upper right
				p3 = img.pixels[ml+2]*k1[1][0]; // left
				p4 = img.pixels[mc+2]*k1[1][1]; // center pixel
				p5 = img.pixels[mr+2]*k1[1][2]; // right
				p6 = img.pixels[ll+2]*k1[2][0]; // lower left
				p7 = img.pixels[lc+2]*k1[2][1]; // lower mid
				p8 = img.pixels[lr+2]*k1[2][2]; // lower right
				var blue = (p0+p1+p2+p3+p4+p5+p6+p7+p8)/9;
				img.pixels[mc] = red;
				img.pixels[mc+1] = green;
				img.pixels[mc+2] = blue;
				img.pixels[mc+3] = img.pixels[lc+3];
		image(img, 0, 0, img.width, img.height);
		noLoop(); // we want you to have control of the blur

	function mousePressed() {
	   redraw(5); // press mouse to blur image even more!

More Methods

More Blur Kernels:

Box Blur

Audrey with Blur Effect Audrey

Gaussian Blur 3x3

Audrey Audrey with Blur Effect

Gaussian Blur 5x5

Audrey with Blur Effect Audrey

Credit to Crystal Chen and Paolla Bruno Dutra. Thanks to R. DuBois Luke and Tega Brain at NYU for mentoring :)